Who We Are
Founders Heritage is a community of founders whose brands/products represent the founder's authentic heritage. Our community is 50+ founders strong (and growing!) and is made up of diverse founders who are brown, black, white, immigrants, women, LGBTQ-- and all share a passion and love for our heritage from where our products draw inspiration. We come from a wide variety of backgrounds and our products span multiple categories.
Fulfilling a Need
Recent data shows that 32% of consumers are willing to pay more for brand and product authenticity, a feature they rank in their top three purchase criteria. Additionally, 67% of consumers buy and engage more with a brand that they feel represented by.
And while the natural and organic food industry has already started meaningful discussions on supporting and elevating DEI & BIPOC-owned businesses, Founders Heritage brings that conversation one step further by recognizing the individual cultures and heritage that make our diverse community unique.
For the longest time, consumers have been confused about whether the brands they purchase from are authentically rooted in the cultures and heritage of the founders that started them. The question often asked is “Were these products produced from a sincere desire to celebrate and honor the culture of someone that belongs to it, or was it a matter of cultural appropriation?” Founders Heritage will help make that distinction clear.
What Founders Heritage is NOT
This is a community that recognizes and champions, not one that accuses or attacks through the lens of cultural appropriation. While that topic is one that certainly needs discussion, our community uplifts and provides encouragement to all founders and brands.